
High School Consent and Respect Program

Our team have developed a new primary prevention program for high schools called: Consent – Sex & Respect. It runs over 6 sessions, and covers important topics like healthy and unhealthy relationships, consent and the law, relationship violence and online safety.

The High School Consent and Respect Program assists young people to develop a better understanding of healthy and unhealthy behaviour around sex and respect. The program is designed to:

  • encourage young people to think reflectively about their own use of sexual language and how to respond respectfully
  • equip students with practical tools around consent• identify any potential problematic sexualised behaviours
  • identify the difference between healthy and unhealthy intimate relationships

The program can be adapted to address current issues and tailored to meet specific needs. It is a highly interactive and hands on learning experience.

To enquire about this training for your school, club or group, you can download our training form here.

You can also contact us via